
Tallinn Central library offers residents of Tallinn, who are also registered readers, an opportunity to borrow books from those e-libraries:kaanepildid

Information regarding the use of e-libraries is available during the national order of emergency:

  • via phone numbers 683 0917, 683 0915, 683 0920 (Estonian and English) and 632 7463 (Russian)
  • via chat: At the bottom right corner of Tallinn Central library’s website www.keskraamatukogu.ee. Click on the button, fill the fields and send your question. We will reply immediately or as soon as it is possible.
  • via Skype:
    ⇒ Estonian language Skype username: Tallinna Keskraamatukogu infoteenindus
    ⇒ English language Skype username: Tallinn Central Library
    ⇒ Russian language Skype username: Tallinskaja Tsentralnaja Biblioteka
  • via e-mail at eo@nulltln.lib.ee or ls@nulltln.lib.ee