Return hatches

When the library is closed, you can return books and magazines through the return hatch.

Every city district offers the possibility of returning books and magazines outside of the library’s opening times. The return hatches are open in the following libraries:

The return hatch may be used to return any books or magazines, from any departments or branch libraries of Tallinn Central library, that are smaller than 380mm x 90mm. Other documents (e.g. CDs, vinyls and DVDs, large format books) and items (e.g. sporting equipment or board games) must be returned to the library’s service counter during opening times. Ruined documents or items must always be returned to the service counter.

If possible, please tie the book or magazine securely with a string/cord and/or pack softcover books in thicker paper beforehand. These measures will protect the documents from any damage that may occur during their fall through the hatch (e.g. crumpled pages, loosened covers etc). You may tie or pack several books/magazines together but make sure the package is smaller than the opening of the return hatch (380mm x 90mm).

If you return a book or a magazine in the evening or on a day when the library is closed (e.g. Sunday), the return will be registered during the following workday of the library. Please check in My ESTER if you’ve returned all borrowed documents.