Tallinn Central Library’s e-libraries can be used by all Estonian citizens

Due to national emergency, on 18 March Tallinn Central Library made its e-libraries available to all citizens of Estonia. E-libraries can also be used by those Estonian citizens who live in a foreign country or by those whose movement is restricted due to the pandemic.

E-libraries that were made available to all Estonians citizens captured immediately much attention – within the first 24 hours Tallinn Central Library gained 1010 new readers and e-library ELLU 1849 new users, in total over 3000 e-books were borrowed.

As the demand and interest for e-books has sharply risen, Tallinn Central Library will continuosly obtain more e-book licences than previously. The acquisition of e-books during these urgent times is financially supported by Tallinn City Council and Ministry of Culture.  All local governments, whose subjects can now read e-books owing to the support of Tallinn, are very welcome to contribute to the cause of reading free e-books and to a larger selection of e-books in e-libraries.  Donations can be made in Tallinn city’s e-service portal. More information about donating can be found on Tallinn Central Library’s web page https://keskraamatukogu.ee/toeta-ellut/. Those who donate to the library will also support Estonian publishers whose issued Estonian e-books will be procured for ELLU’s collections.


E-library OverDrive contains e-books and e-audiobooks in English and Russian, and e-magazines in English and foreign languages. These can be read or listened to using a computer or other devices through a web browser or an app, you can also download them to an e-reader.

To use e-libraries please register yourself as Tallinn Central Library’s reader here.

To log in to e-library OverDrive, use the username is your Estonian identification code and My ESTER password.

More information about e-libraries can be found on Tallinn Central Library’s webpage. We encourage you to also visit Tallinn Central Library’s book blog.

E-libraries are always open and fine-free. By borrowing a book you can make your day.


Happy exploring!
