Tallinn Central Library helps with finding necessary information regarding daily life
If you are at home and need information, then contact the library. Tallinn Central Library’s librarians answer questions regarding daily life, for example you can ask advice about the on-going quarantine, travelling, moving outside and other regulations of the national emergency. Information competence, the skill to find necessary information and assess it is one of the primary competences of a librarian. Owing to this librarians can help to discern information.
Librarians request that crisis hotlines be only used to ask critical and vital questions, if you have other questions please call the library.
Librarians answer questions in Estonian, Russian and English from Tues-Fri 10-18. Questions can be asked by telephone 683 0917 (in Estonian and English) and 632 7463 (in Russian) and in real-time chat and Skype, in addition to e-mail.
Chat can be found on Tallinn Central Library’s webpage www.keskraamatukogu.ee right hand bottom corner. Click „Küsi meilt”, fill in the fields and send the question. We will answer right away or as soon as possible.
E-mails can be sent to ls@nulltln.lib.ee
In Estonian, Skype username: Tallinna Keskraamatukogu infoteenindus
In English, Skype username: Tallinn Central Library
In Russian, Skype username: Tallinskaja Tsentralnaja Biblioteka