
Members of Tallinn Central Library can use self-service machines to borrow items and 24/7 self-service lockers near your home. Self-service machines and lockers can be found at the main building of Tallinn Central Library (Estonia pst 8), the Department of Literature in Foreign Languages (Liivalaia 40) and at Kännukuke, Laagna, Pelguranna, Pirita, Pääsküla, Väike-Õismäe libraries. Starting September 2024 self-service possibilities are also available in KadrioruKalamajaMänniMännikuPaepealse, Sõle and Torupilli library.

Self-service machines can be used for borrowing and returning items and for the overview of loans, fines and for renewing items on loan. Receipt of your loans can be printed or sent directly to your e-mail. Items from other libraries or the reading room, items reserved by other readers, equipment and latest issues of magazines cannot be borrowed with self-service machines. If you have any questions about using the services, please contact library staff.
More info: Teavikute laenamine ja tagastamine iseteenindusseadmega

Items with the status ’AVAILABLE’ in the E-catalogue ESTER can be pre-ordered to self-service locker using the web form, email or via phone. After receiving your order, library will contact you.