
Bibliographia Iuridica Estonica (BIE) is a biographical juridical database that enables the user to search for juridical literature published in Estonia since 1991, works by Estonian legal scientists and works that have been published abroad about the Estonian legal system.

The digital archive of the National Library (DIGAR) collects pre-publication files, web publications and digitised copies of publications. Collections of DIGAR contain digital books, newspapers, journals, magazines, maps, sheet music, prints and post cards. The archived publications are linked with the catalogue ESTER and bibliographic databases of the National Library.

The Digital Library of Estonian History Museum is an open access database that allows users to find photos and audiovisual recordings of events and exhibitions in the Estonian History Museum.

Digitised Estonian Periodicals is a database consisting of digitised Estonian periodicals published in Estonia during 1821-1944 and outside of Estonia since 1944.

The Database of Estonian Articles contains articles, from newspapers, magazines and journals, serial publications and anthologies and collections from the 1990s on allowing the full-text to be accessed in free digital archives and Web publications.

Eesti Entsüklopeedia internetiversioon on veebipõhine teabevaramu, mis sisaldab üle 60 000 illustratsiooni ja 90 000 artikli. Teabevaramu on üles ehitatud teemavaldkondadena ja jaguneb märksõnaartikliteks. Artiklite hulgas on nii lühikesi mõisteseletusi, isikuartikleid kui ka pikemaid teemakäsitlusi.


The Estonian Movie Database  allows users to search for works by various Estonian filmmakers from the time periood 1912-2012. The database has over 15 000 entries.

The Place Name Database allows users to search Estonian and foreign place names.


The Museums Public Portal is the online gateway to Estonian museums, giving everybody an opportunity to study the collections of the museums that have joined the system.

The Analytic bibliography of Estonian journalism database is compiled by the Archival Library.

The task of the Estonian National Bibliography is to register all publications issued in Estonia, all Estonian-language publications issued abroad, and estonica.

The database offers an easy Access to the Estonian regilaul legacy for everyone.

The Estonian Statistics Database consists of a statistics database and a regional development database.

ESTONICA is an encyclopedia about Estonia.

The e-catalogue ESTER allows users to search for entries of 13 different Estonian libraries.

On the Riigi Teataja website you can look up consolidated texts of English translations of Estonian legislation, subscribe to the MY RT service which notifies you about new translations by e-mail, and look at statistics.

The Directory of Open Access scholarly Resources, is a service offered by the ISSN International Centre with the support of the Communication and Information Sector of UNESCO.

The Virtual Reading Room  centralises all web resources that have been aimed towards archive users and ohter important information about archiving.

key-icon NB! Limited access databases, portals and e-resources can only be used at the library. Necessary passwords will be provided by the librarian.


EBSCOhost databases contain journals by various publishers. Most materials are academic.

All valid legal acts of the Republic of Estonia are available in the ESTLEX  database. Tallinn Central Library also has Access to the Russian translations of legal acts.

The Oxford Music Online database Access to the following reference sources: Grove Music Online, The Oxford Companion to Music, The Oxford Dictionary of Music, Encyclopedia of Popular Music.

OverDrive is a free service offered by Tallinn Central Library that lets you borrow e-books, audiobooks and digital magazines in English and Russian from the digital collection. All you need to get started with our free digital titles from OverDrive is an internet connection and a valid library card.